New classes began for quarter two today at Truckee High School. It is always fun to meet new students and reflect on my last quarter classes. What went well, what went wrong, what did students like, did they learn what I wanted them to learn, etc.? Then, learning from my reflections I get to try new techniques and refine my previous lessons to make them more effective. I think it is crucial that every educator who is committed to being the best teacher they can be go through this reflection process and assess our own practices. Only by doing this can we continue to improve and evolve to our students needs. Their needs ARE different than our students from 5, 10, or 15 years ago and we must constantly self-assess whether or not we are providing them with the education they need and deserve.
On a completely side note.....we were discussing in class today blogs and how traditional journalism has had to evolve to the new web 2.0 world for their audience. We were looking at and read an article where kids could comment and then watched this video. It seriously gave me chills!
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