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Here on this blog I hope to get a conversation going amongst students, teachers, administrators, and parents about who, what, when, why, and where we should teach technology skills for the 21st century. I am technology teacher at Truckee High School in Truckee, CA and currently teach classes like digital media, e-learning, applications, and keyboarding -- yes...still important! :) Please Join the Conversation!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Marketing in a Web 2.0 World

How do you sell more of a product or promote your organization or business by using web 2.0 technology without flooding your customers or targeted audience with direct advertising?  There are many different strategies, techniques, and tools to use that can assist one in achieving these goals.  Web 2.0 and/or social media are here to say (experts agree) and students hoping to have a successful career in marketing or business development are going to need to learn these 21st century skills.

Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about this topic: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122884677205091919.html

Please share your thoughts below about this topic and any ideas on how you think web 2.0 can best be used to promote a product, brand, or company/organization without turning off your potential audience?  COMMENT!


  1. i think that advertiseing on the web can be a good and bad thing. but its all about how the company goes about it. if they just talk about their products all day people will get tired of it. but if they start up intresting conversations about what the product is for and spark peoples intrests it will be more sucessfull. troy

  2. I think that Web 2.0 can best be used to promote a product, a band, or a company ways. If you had a band you put up a Facebook fan page and post your songs, post thing that you thought that went well on your shows. If you had a product not talk just about the product. Like you were selling skis talk about all the good skiing. All the storms that keep bringing on more snow and it atracts more pople to buy your product. There are many ways to get attraction threw Web 2.0


  3. I think that using web 2.0 to promote a pruduct or a company is very usefull. Now Every company wants to promote thier copanies and products and the easy thing about promoting somethng is that u can just blog about it, tweet it, put it our facebook page and more. You can talk to your friends about it and you promote your product fast and easy. -Monica

  4. I think using Web 2.0 is very usful because, The more adds you put and the more you talk about you're product more people are gunna be intrested in it and they'r gunnna want to check it out. The internet is getting very usful because, its not only in one place its WORLDWIDE anyone can see what you have posted. Blogs are another way to advertise you'r product because, People can just search up what they are looking for and you'r blog can pop up. Friends can help showing of you're blog because , they can get you're link and send it to there friends and there friends can send it to them.

  5. I think that web 2.0 can best be used by having the companies listen to consumers in online blogs or reading comments that people have made about there product. If all the companies did this it would be more direct for consumers and the consumers would feel special because they helped create a product that lots of people like. Web 2.0 can also be effective by using people to create hype about a product. This makes people think that the movie is good because other people like them and not advertisers said it was good. All in all Web 2.0 can be a very effective tool if used correctly and not overdone.

  6. I think that web 2.0 is the way how the global economy can evoluate. Things move faster, you can reach everyone easier. You can make more money in less time and you. Cause of web an American compagny could make business with a Japanese and a Belgian one in the same time. Informations, power, business and connexions. Four words whose describe everything.

  7. i thihnk the best way to promote a product, brand, or company/organization without turning off your potential audience is to give away awards or money for showing interest in a product. if companies get creative then people will stay interested its all about creativity


  8. I believe that the Web 2.0 tactic is most likely the most productive way to advertise. The article gives a lot of facts and reasoning towards this conclusion. I know that when I go to sites for shopping of any sort and I am able to read comments left by other people about products, I am more like to listen to what those customers say about it rather than just how it looks online. I also know by experiance that giving away little things here and there to promote a brand, company, or product helps a lot. It is a lot of phycological mind tricks basically. This will reward those who like it already in which causes a domino like effect towards more people not onlt seeing it but noticing that this "company" treats its buyers well. For example, just the other day my parents were rewarded with a new "elite" statis at safeway for buying a certain amount of items and now recieve more discounts. Things like these capture the customers into wanting to only buy at this particular store because the more they do the better deals they get. This way people wont get upset because they arn't being annoyed with pushy people trying to sell. - Katherine

  9. I think that web 2.0 is a better way to promote products than the traditional way of advertiseing because the custermers can get involved on a companys web site or blog or face book and the company can figure out better what the consumers want. cody neill

  10. i think that web 2.0 can be very helpful in a companies advertsising area. it can help word get out on a certain product and make it more successful. i think if you start out on facebook and make a group that has to do with your product then you say that whatever your product is can help in this activity people will be willing to try it out. and people could comment on how this product works and maybe even compare it to others so you know what the majority is looking for. marketers can also comment on another thing and talk about their product and see how people respond to it.

  11. - I think that the advertising on the web is a good thing but then again I also think that its a bad thing.The reason why i think is a bad thing is because if someone keeps posting the same thing then it get really annoyed and it doesn't make it interesting.But i also think that its a good thing because if you start of with something interesting and just tells another person once then they can pass it on and tell more people about what they heard or about what they were just told.

  12. Web 2.0 is a great way to sell a product or promote a business, and the business has a lot of options to choose from. Customer feedback is a great way to get information and reviews on the production. Companies should try to get consumers involved, and “participate in marketing-related activities from product development to feedback to customer service”. Another great point the Wall Street Journal makes is that there should be an incentive for getting the customers involved and sharing opinions. If I were on a site and they had cash or points to redeem it would make me decide to participate. Effectiveness and ease of use is very important for a products site. If you have to go through a long and intricate process just to say that you like a site then people would probably be turned away. Overall Web 2.0 is revolutionizing a lot of how we operate, and businesses have an opportunity to take advantage of Web 2.0. ~Aly

  13. The way Web 2.0 helps prompte companies, bands, businesses and so on is through communication. Now days it's almost unheard of for a person not to have some devise to go on to the internet. With all of these people on the net someone is bound to see something you are putting on the net. Someone like a majore bussiness owner or someone who might be interested. I mean there are around 6 billion people in the world and a lot have the ability to interact in the web. So someone is bound to see your stuff. So many people have gone up in life through the internet. The priority is getting the right people to see what you want them to see. So interaction, communication, and other means show that Web 2.0 is a proven and easy to use tool to prompte what you want. Grayson Forsberg.

  14. I think that web 2.0 is a very usefully tool, almost everybody uses some kind of social network so some how they are going to see a add,or video about something that they are interested in. So the best way a product or company could promote is to say when, where, and how to use that product, and to stay interesting so they wont lose the interest of the potential costumers.
    - Tanya

  15. I do believe that Web 2.0 is a great tool to promote a company. The reason I think it is more effective is because with Web 2.0 companies and businesses can use blogs or facebook groups to get customer feedback or see what the customers want more of or understand what their products are lacking. For instance, a company that makes a product such as a shoe can make a blog and encourage their readers to comment on their product. If they recieve good reports from their costomers, other viewers will see these reviews and be persuaded to buy the shoe. However if negative comments are shown, the shoe company could read the reviews and see what they need to make their products more popular and could fix or change their products to better please their customers. This is also a great tool because the customers listen to fellow people rather than advertisers that are trained to sell! Companies can promote their product just by letting the word get out amongst a couple of pleased customers and the news will spread more rapidly than any advertisment. Web 2.0 is a great tool to get the word out about your product, company, or band!

  16. Web advertising is a good thing. It allows companies to reach the whole population through the world wide web. Another good thing about advertising through the web, is that it allows the companies to adveritse, and promote their product in many different ways. They can advertise through converstion, videos, pictures, and email.

  17. I think advertiseing on the web is a really great thing because it promotes people to buy your product and it also gets the public to put in their own ideas for future products by using blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. By having the public comment on new products on the web it not only gives companies new ideas but could also get them to realize what their doing wrong that people might not like. Web 2.0 is effective and makes better companies and gets people what they want.

  18. I tihik WEb advertisnig is a good way to sell a product, by using one of the social sites like Facebook, you can make a site for just youre products, but you have to make that site as interesting as posiible,and that the person seeing that site will like it, so i thing advertising form the web is a good way to seel something, like theres a lot of companies that do the same thing, some examples.... Mcdonalds,Burger King and more.. some companies use web advertising to prmote there products, buy posting some discounts, and some peomotions.

  19. Web 2.0 is a good way to advertise and promote business. Most of the time when their is advertise in commercials on T.V. I never pay attention to them or I leave the room at the time. On the web you can hear other consumers or potential buyers comments and suggestions which could either put the product in a good or bad light. But if the business is trying to promote all the time you can get sick of it. Trying to talk about related subjects would be better.


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