Welcome to Modern Educator

Here on this blog I hope to get a conversation going amongst students, teachers, administrators, and parents about who, what, when, why, and where we should teach technology skills for the 21st century. I am technology teacher at Truckee High School in Truckee, CA and currently teach classes like digital media, e-learning, applications, and keyboarding -- yes...still important! :) Please Join the Conversation!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Jersey to Vote on Strictest Anti-Bullying Law in the Country

Bullying is a serious problem and the Internet and social media along with cell phones and other mobile devices have intensified the affects of this societal problem.  Kids can no longer escape the harassment by staying away from the perpetrators.  Now, the bullying follows them online and on their phones causing much more harm and pain.

As with so many hateful and cruel issues like this, education is probably the key to reducing the affects of these problems.  New legislation with tougher punishment for this kind of behavior might help too but the kids must be taught and informed about this issue.  So, this New Jersey law, if passed, requiring anti-bullying classes to be taught in schools might be a good thing but it will also result in lost time for instruction in other academic areas which are already stressed due to lack of time and ever increasing standards of proficiency.  Kind of has similar tones to the debate around teaching sex education in our schools.  Who's job is it?

In conclusion, I think this is an important conversation for students, teachers, administrators, and parents to keep having.  And, in the end, we adults need to model good behavior and take responsibility to teach those youth around us.

Read about this New Jersey Legislation

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